Prof. Daniel Chi-Sheng Shih
施吉昇 教授
In February 2004, Professor Daniel Shih joined the Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering at National Taiwan University as an assistant professor. At the same time, Professor Daniel Shih joined the Real-time and Embedded Systems Lab, which was renamed to the NEWS Lab (Wireless Networking and Embedded Systems Lab.) In August 2008, Professor Daniel Shih was prompted to be an associate professor. Several of Professor Daniel Shih’s research interests developed when Professor Daniel Shih was at Urbana-Champaign will continue. For instance, multi-dimension real-time resource allocation and real-time scheduling theory. In the meantime, I start investigating other emerging, interesting, and challenging research topics. At this moment, my research interests include real-time process scheduling, requirement assignment and determination, resource allocation, cyber-physical systems, streaming computation, and system integration.