Many IoT applications require public information and private information to make correct decision and trigger appropriate services in efficient manner. Cloud-based mechanism conducts logic decision on remote servers, which store public and private information, and leads to security and privacy breakage. The tradeoff between data privacy and intelligent service is an important issue on developing IoT services. Many existing IoT services use cloud-based service model and limits the users on controlling the services. In this paper, we developed a Public/Private federation framework, which combines public and private intelligence to develop IoT applications. It allows the IoT applications to access the cloud-based public intelligence and local private intelligence in IoT applications. The framework is implemented to federate NodeRED, a server-based flow-based programming IoT framework, and WuKong, a distributed flow-based programming IoT framework. An example use scenario is used to illustrate the framework.

Managing large volume of devices in machine-to-machine systems and large scale cyber-physical systems with least effort is a challenging and critical issue. In this work, we design and implement an out-of-box device management to automatically add and remove devices from the system, based on the connectivity. While the devices can be managed automatically, the security and privacy issues are both handled with minimal users' actions. The devices are checked against for their authority and the communications are encrypted with proper security level, according to the computation capability of the devices.

Many IoT applications require public information and private information to make correct decision and trigger appropriate services in efficient manner. Cloud-based mechanism conducts logic decision on remote servers, which store public and private information, and leads to security and privacy breakage. The tradeoff between data privacy and intelligent service is an important issue on developing IoT services. Many existing IoT services use cloud-based service model and limits the users on controlling the services. In this paper, we developed a Public/Private federation framework, which combines public and private intelligence to develop IoT applications. It allows the IoT applications to access the cloud-based public intelligence and local private intelligence in IoT applications. The framework is implemented to federate NodeRED, a server-based flow-based programming IoT framework, and WuKong, a distributed flow-based programming IoT framework. An example use scenario is used to illustrate the framework.

Managing large volume of devices in machine-to-machine systems and large scale cyber-physical systems with least effort is a challenging and critical issue. In this work, we design and implement an out-of-box device management to automatically add and remove devices from the system, based on the connectivity. While the devices can be managed automatically, the security and privacy issues are both handled with minimal users' actions. The devices are checked against for their authority and the communications are encrypted with proper security level, according to the computation capability of the devices.